
Apply for membership today! Polygyny is the way of life for you. |[Extreme fetish blog]|

18+ only. _First: Be fruitful and multiply. _Second: Honour your Father and your Mother. _Third: Marry your Father and his Wives. _Fourth: Honor your Sisters and his Wives. _Fifth: Love the heathen, so that she may see the benefits of your way of life. _Sixth: build your body and your mind, so you may better serve Him, and be the best Mother, Wife, and Sister you can be.

- please please Daddy can I cum today please?....

- what, dear?

- please I spend hours doing abs crunches every day as You want please!... mmm...

- how many reps have you done during this week, my kitten?

- mmmh... please... I do exercises every morning, hundreds of crunches as I can endure... please let me cum...!

- I want exact number, baby. We will discuss your permission after you report me about ten thousand reps.

- nnngh... please nooo!...

- sorry, dear? come on, you can endure it now, I believe that your willpower is strong like your ab muscles! Come on!

Now that's a good and loving, if firm, Daddy. She has to earn it.

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